A downloadable game for Windows

Convergence clicker is an in development idle game, with the main hook being the buffs that can be switched around between buildings.

This game is still very early in development, which means that you may experience some bugs, as well as some design problems. This also means that new content is always around the corner. Make sure to check the Dev log's often for new info!

Created by:




cc version 2.20.zip 22 MB

Install instructions

To play, unzip the file, and run the "Convergence clicker" file.

For mac: mac is broken, go home

Development log

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first person to find and comment the issue with the new update wins a cookie!

wow there were actually quite a few issues.


Please don't use this game as a medical alternative

(1 edit)


update the game and add a fridge/floorboards

fridges will never be added, floor boards are in development and will be shadow dropped. 

if you dont add fridge

(1 edit)

Is this a threat?

so apparently the game doesn't scale with screen size lol

fixed, don't download 0.2 unless you want to suffer.