patch 2.13 Hero changes and looking forward


+ Fixed an issue with selecting hero's that would allow you to exponentially apply a times four multiplier on buildings

- Woops

+ Changed values to apply hero's to buildings

- 1M for baskets, 10M for workers, and 20M for vacuums

+ Added UI to the hero build select menu to show what happens on selection

- I just realized that I made a critical mistake on the menu

- I'm sure that won't be a problem

I've labeled this version of the game with "Fair version", as this will be more or less the version that I will be presenting as part of a school fair in a week or so. There will still be some updates over the next two weeks, but that will mostly just be bug fixes and small quality of life improvements. I'm quite exited with the fair, as it will give me a chance to have people outside my class test the game, as well as give suggestions that aren't just "Add floorboards". I will do a big postmortem blog post going over all the feedback, as well as where I'm going over the next few months. I'm going to be making this my capstone project, so this game will hopefully become a MUCH bigger game over the next two years.

also every update I get closer to adding lore, then things will get very, very, interesting.


cc version 2.13 (FAIR BUILD).zip 22 MB
May 22, 2023

Get Convergence Clicker


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postmortem is used as a word for autopsy (examination for cause of death) and ummmm… lol

one of the dev log tags is post mortem. the description is "Share what went right, what went wrong, and anything else you learned after completing a project.". That's what I meant.

suck it jordan!!!!!!!

Why am I wrong? You’ve made dev logs, so you would have seen that tag.