patch 2.4


+New Building: vacuums

+Balance changes:

-Baskets had SPS increased from 1 to 10

-Workers had SPS increased From 10 to 100

This update mostly focused on balance changes, mostly trying to nerf the 2x clicker. The main issue I found was that you could focus only on the 2x button and ignore the buildings, and still gain tons of Starfall. This was made worse by the use of an auto clicker. The best way I could think of to nerf it was to add a new building (Vacuums), and to buff currently existing ones. I feel that this should have fixed the problem, but time will tell. Of course auto clicker is still a problem, but honestly I don't see it as that much of an issue as I did before.  If people want to use an auto clicker then they'll play how they want to play. With that said I might change that at some point down the line.


cc version 22 MB
Apr 06, 2023

Get Convergence Clicker

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